Design Prompt: Elf Mound Mushrooms
Design Prompt
Creating a brand based on a Scandinavian fairy tale or folklore. The brand identity must include, logo or logotype, brand mark and colour palette.
I chose to work with H.C. Andersen’s The Elf Mound, as a brand that creates grow-at-home mushroom box kits.
Thoughts and Process
To incorporate the look and feel of natural forest materials and a hand-made quality in the design. I wanted the art style to similate linocut print on kraft, as that is a material I imagine the packaging include. The three illustrations of mushrooms types are examples of illustrations that could go on the front of the packaging, on different products, to showcase what type is inside the box.
The visual components to the logo design include hands, rays in a half-circle and a mushroom. The mushroom was a very direct way of communicating what the company “is about”, where as the half-circle of rays is derived from “Elf Mound” and the picture of eleves as being magic and often ethereal beings, and thus the mound is shining. The hands symbolise both eleves, and most importantly the home-grown element. These are your hands as you haverst your mushrooms from the grow box.
How it is Made
The logo and mushroom illustrations were drawn in Procreate with a “cut away” method of drawing to make it look like linocut. The logo and brand mark has afterwards been made into vector graphics. The backgrounds and stylisation (such as dust) to make the illustrations look unrefined was created in Procreate.
Procreate // Linearity Curve
1 Week(s)
Graphic Designer
Date Completed
Nov 2022