Case Study: Guideus

Developing a full multimedia design solution that brings value to a business (and its clients) of our own choice. The project includes brand identity, design guide, Tone of Voice, SoMe strategy, content, webdev. and testing.

This was a group project. We chose to develop a solution for vacation home rentals, which we named “Guideus”. We focused our project on a rental home in Grenaa.

A website with an interactive guide. The owner of the rental can submit their own recommendations of local experiences e.g. cafés, canoe rentals, museums, hiking areas or cinemas. Users (visitors at the rental house) can specify the type of group they are travelling in, interests, budget and distance max to the destination.

My Illustrative Work / Animations
The illustrations are based on the local flora, fauna and activities. I’ve first created a mood board based on field trip, style tile, and then vector illustrations (Adobe Illustrator) and smaller animations (Adobe After Effects) from these.

Creating the illustrations as vector graphics made it possible to easily animate details such as swaying branches, birds, clouds and other components. The animations were placed on the landing page of the website, they bring life to the website and show off the environment and feel of the specific location.

Adobe Illustrator // Adobe After Effects

3 Month(s)

Front-End Dev. // Graphic Designer // Content Creator

Date Completed
May 2020 // 4th Sem. BAAA
