• Flyer
  • Style guide
  • Website about section mockup
  • Style guide SoMe
  • Course material

New identity for EQ centered enterprise

I had the pleasure of working with a small company as they expanded their business ‘Psykoterapi Kolding’ to ‘Center for Følelsesmæssig Intelligens’. Center for Følelsesmæssig Intelligens and its *now* three daughter enterprises were in need of a new brand identity and a cohesive visual expression.

In addition to creating a new style guide, my task included designing flyers, slide shows, editing videos for online courses and audio files.

Client wishes
Clients always have wishes and ideas for their brand which I must respect. Some ideas can be challenged and developed, some are non-negotiable. Here are some of the important design choises/limitations I worked with on this project…

Logo: The clients had some specific wishes and ideas for their visual identity, and wanted to design their own logos by themselves.

Colours: The client wanted to use mainly the colours b/w, gold and beige.

Imagery: As little images as possible, unless they had had the background removed as they found colours and backgrounds distracting and too busy for some of their more sensitive clients. They also wanted a specific gold star or golden circle frame incorporated in each design.

Fonts: The clients specifically wanted to use the fonts open sans and Arsenal. Arsenal – because they like the football team named Arsenal.

Website: Absolutely no moving elements. Only two colours – cream and white. As little images as possible and they can not have a background. The website should be fast and easy to build in a WordPress Divi theme. (The mockup I have uploaded is not the final, cream/white mockup).

Canva // Photoshop // Final Cut Pro // GarageBand

1 month(s)


Date Completed
May 2024

Software & Solutions
I have been working mostly in Canva, but with photo editing in Adobe Photoshop and design of icons in Adobe Illustrator.

An audiofile with a guided meditation was created using a Blue Yeti microphone and editied in GarageBand – a simple, fast and adequate solution for a small business with limited funds.

Video courses were created in Final Cut Pro, using slides exported from Canva and voice recordings provided by the client.